End of the Leash

natural, healthy, and thoughtfully-sourced pet foods, treats, and supplies


What Is Enrichment? And Why Your Dogs & Cats Need It

There’s not a family dog or cat that doesn’t have at least one toy—our dogs love their chews and kitties relish in chasing strings and batting around little stuffed squeaking mice. And what energetic pup doesn’t like to go on a walk or have at some fetching?

All of these things are forms of enrichment. Put simply, enrichment is providing your animal ways to interact with her environment that allow her to express her natural behaviors and instincts. (For dogs, think retrieving and foraging; for cats, hunting and climbing.) This stimulation, in turn, can improve her physical, cognitive and mental health, give her confidence and reduce anxiety and behavioral issues, and even strengthen the bond between you and your beloved animal friend.

Keep in mind her personality and specific needs or limitations, too. Enrichment should never cause anxiety or stress. When choosing the proper enrichment, you might be surprised and delighted to see how your dear animal friend blossoms and excels at new and exciting experiences!

There are 3 main types of enrichment: physical, social, and cognitive/sensory. You’ll quickly notice that that most types of enrichment cross over one or more categories, so it’s quite easy to provide your furry family member a well-rounded and enriching life. Read on for ideas for both dogs and cats!

Enrichment for dogs

Walks. Walking your dog is one of the best activities to boost physical enrichment in his life. Occasionally varying your walking path and speed is an easy way to improve bump up the stimulation level. And don’t forget to let him sniffsniffsniff or explore off-leash where appropriate to bring in more sensory excitement! If your dog (and you!) are both go-getters, you might even consider checking out an agility course or class, or even just setting up a simple obstacle course in your yard.

Fetching. The act of fetching is many dogs’ favorite game! Herding/working breeds and retrievers especially excel at and love fetching, and giving them this “job” can help reduce unwanted destructive behaviors. Rotating your toy selection (unless your dog’s attached to his tennis ball!) can also provide extra physical and sensory enrichment. If he’s a swimmer, tossing a floating toy (or a plain old stick!) into the lake makes for a great, enriching workout. Try fetching from a different part of your yard, too, just to mix it up!

Puzzles, toys and games. The quintessential toys are for chewing and playing tug-of-war. Like with fetch toys, rotating your dog’s chew toy selection can help keep him interested and engaged.

Snuffle mats, treat/food puzzles, and games like “hide the treat” around your house or yard give your dog the opportunity to “forage” for his food and use his noggin to figure out how to retrieve it. These are an ingenious way to slow down a “snarfer”, too. Stuffed Kongs (frozen if you prefer) are always a winner, especially to keep him occupied for a while. All puzzles, toys and games provide excellent cognitive and sensory enrichment and stave off boredom.

Socialize! Dog parks, play dates, training/trick classes and visiting friends and family are all simple ways to give your dog the social time he needs. The earlier you start socializing, the better; however, take care to never force him into social situations and be mindful of his temperament and level of comfort.

Training. Especially with puppies but even for adult dogs, training will give them focus and improve mental acuity. And they will love the rewards (treats and praise, anyone?)! Training basic commands can help you maintain control of your dog during walks and in sticky situations, too. You can train at home, or engage in more social training in classes if your dog’s a good fit.


Enrichment for cats

Cat trees and catios. Cats LOVE to climb, as we know. So for your indoor kitty, indubitably the answer is cat trees! There are endless ways to “catify” your house with sisal-wrapped wall shelves and climbing boards, and all sorts of fun cat furniture—many of which are easily DIY. Providing safe, elevated spaces is key, especially ones near windows where she can enjoy her “Cat TV”!

If your cat is indoor/outdoor, or has access to a catio (outdoor cat enclosure), this gives her the freedom to climb, run and hunt in ways which will greatly contribute to her feline nature of interacting with her surroundings and boost her overall contentedness.

Engaging in play. Playing with your best meowy friend will provide her all forms of enrichment. Chasing, jumping, calculating, pouncing and bonding time spent with you all contribute to her well-being. Try different types of toys to see what she likes—does she prefer to chase (wand toys)? Or does she like to stalk hiding things (movement under a blanket, etc…)?

Puzzles. Just like with dogs, you can provide your kitty with food-related enrichment puzzles! You’ll be highly entertained…and may be surprised at her craftiness.

Simon & Clover (2020) during one of their daily shenanigans. 😊

Catnip and cat grass. If your cat loves catnip, it may boost her playtime activities and/or help her relax. Don’t worry, it isn’t addictive—feel free to rub it on their scratching posts and toys, or sprinkle some in their favorite puzzles.

Even though cats are obligate carnivores, they are known to chew on grass or plants, which is a natural habit to stimulate digestion. (It also helps control furballs and provides nutrients.) It’s easy to get a kit and grow your own, or pick a small pot of it up at your local pet store!

Multi-cat households. Oh, the shenanigans they will have! But the majority of human-owned cat households will tell you that multi-cat households are better socialized and happier overall. It will vary with each individual and household structure.

Grooming. If your kitty enjoys being brushed, a gentle grooming session is a highly effective enrichment strategy. The sensory boost she will receive and the benefit of healthier skin and coat—plus social time with you—are all reasons to spend a few minutes brushing her.


Watch them thrive

Again, enrichment should never cause anxiety in your pet. Always take into account his age, temperament, interests, breed and comfort level with other animals and people. Pick a few ideas and see how he responds, adjusting as necessary.

As our animals’ guardians, it is our goal to see them thrive and reach their full potential. With just a little effort, it’s simple and rewarding—for both them and us—to incorporate enrichment and enjoy a fulfilled lifetime together!

Our MISSION is to help pets live a long, healthy and happy life.

Our PASSION is to help owners become aware of what is in pet food and help them choose foods that are all natural and nutritionally complete, and to encourage them to be proactive about their pet’s health.

Please remember that us folks at End of the Leash are not veterinarians and no information on our website is intended to replace the indispensable and professional advice of your veterinarian.

How to Have a Productive Work Day from Home--with Your Dog!

Seeing those sad puppy dog eyes on our way out the door for work is a thing of the past for a lot of people these days. Working from home is becoming much more accessible, and while getting to spend a lot more time with our favorite 4-legged furry family members is a huge bonus, it may also require a little extra planning so that our workday is productive and it stays a win/win for everyone.

Here are some strategies to help you AND your dog reap the best of both worlds!

Get movin’ Early

Start your dog’s day off with burning some cagey energy. Giving him something to focus on—fetching in the yard (aka “Having a job to do!”), sniffing the sidewalk on a leashed jaunt, watching his surroundings and seeing other people with their pets—all of these exercise his mind as well as his body. Exercise is also one of the best ways to reduce destructive behavior (usually caused from pent-up energy or boredom)—so expending that energy during a walk might also prevent him from using it later chewing your rugs!

Taking a few more short walks or play breaks throughout the day will reinforce all the benefits of exercise for your dog as well.

Structure and Routine - consistency is key

Dogs thrive on structure. With consistency, most will quickly hone into the timing of feeding, walkie breaks, and snack time. What this will accomplish is a dog that knows what to expect and when, which gives him confidence to be “alone” when you are home and working.

Don’t let your dog train you! When we stick to the schedule and ignore demands for attention (barking, whining, head butts, scratching, etc…) at inappropriate times we are training our best little buddy that he will not get rewarded when he does these things. Then, when it IS time for a break, we can reward him with lovins, scritches, treats and play time to positively reinforce the desired behavior routine.

And another bonus—the routine we set in place for our dog is helpful to remind us to take our own bio breaks—water refill, movement, snacks or meals, a quiet moment on the back porch.

Enrichment - Keeping her busy

So when your dog isn’t snoozing from all her exercise that morning and you’re busy working, what’s she to do? That’s where enrichment comes in.

A favorite (non-squeaky!) chew toy is a great option. A frozen treat in something like a Kong can keep her busy for quite a while! There are also lots of stimulating interactive toys/puzzles for dogs—yet another way to exercise their brains and contribute to their overall balanced well-being. Just be sure if you give her a chew toy to properly monitor for her safety.

You could also have a neighbor, friend, or pet-sitter swing by and take her out for a play session or walk (this is also great for meeting times when it’s important to not be disturbed!).

Be prepared, patient, and flexible

Remember that you being at home more might be a big change for your dog. Be patient as she reorients to the new schedule. Remember to be as consistent as possible, ignoring unwanted behavior and rewarding the good; she may be more demanding than usual for your attention. Keep lots of treats on hand, especially at the beginning!

But ya know, some days just are going to be a flop. The dog keeps barking, your internet connection is janky, the inspiration for your work project just isn’t materializing. You have a headache, and the coffee didn’t help and neither is the barking.

It’s okay. This is where the pros of working at home can shine. Shuffle your routine if you can and go for the extra-long dog walk, or cuddle up on the couch with him and take a little nap. Ask your friend if you can cash in that favor she owes you and take the dog for the day. Reschedule the meeting and take a deep breath. Go easy on yourself, you’re adjusting, too.

Finding the Balance and Reaping the Benefits

Navigating the work/dog balance may be quite the challenge sometimes. We will most likely get all sorts of creative ideas depending on the needs of our best dog friend and what works for us, too. And when we find that sweet spot—what bliss!

We may find that even with expending a little extra effort and planning into our work days at home with our dog that we are actually more productive. Many humans thrive on routine, too…and when we are caring for our pets as well as nurturing ourselves through these routines, we may well experience the true joy of living—and working—with our dog by our side!

Our MISSION is to help pets live a long, healthy and happy life.

Our PASSION is to help owners become aware of what is in pet food and help them choose foods that are all natural and nutritionally complete, and to encourage them to be proactive about their pet’s health.

Please remember that us folks at End of the Leash are not veterinarians and no information on our website is intended to replace the indispensable and professional advice of your veterinarian.

A Dog's Spring Checklist

Roh-kay, human friend! Now that Spring is here, I thought it would be helpful to share this list I typed up (hunt and peck works great with claws!). You’re always saying how you want to be more organized and on top of things—so, enter your best 4-legged friend to the rescue. I got your back!

Let’s ease into exercise

Let’s face it, winter slowed us down. I know, I know, I have Spring Fever and am itching to take off at a full gallop, but I give you permission to pace our walkies so I don’t overdo it! Don’t worry, I’ll still be happily tired and quite satisfied!

Give me a good brushin’

A nice, gentle grooming would feel SO good. Let’s loosen up and get rid of all that old winter fur coat and dry skin underneath. Outside on the porch would be awesome to get a little sunshine! And I suppose I can let you clip my nails while you’re at it…

bugger protection

Get thee to our local pet supply store ASAP for the best natural flea and tick prevention! Herbal flea collars, fur sprays, herbal “spot on” treatments and internal supplements all work great together to keep those annoying things off me. You could even ask the employees what other new and exciting preventative stuff they might have. OH and also, feeding me a species-appropriate diet will keep my skin healthy, which makes it less appealing to those buggers, too!


I’m sure you’ve noticed all the pollens sometimes cause me to paw at my eyes, sneeze and even sometimes over-lick my paws. Definitely check our supply of special doggy seasonal allergy support when you get a moment. Maybe this year we could try a homeopathic remedy?

I see a hole in the fence…

We should probably do a quick walk around the yard and make sure the fence is secure after the long winter. No need to tempt me to chase that crazy squirrel into the neighbor’s yard! (Wow, listen to me being all responsible!)

Easter candy

You might want to remind Dad that I could easily steal the extra Easter candy off the bowl on the counter. Of course we know from past experience the horrible outcome when my curiosity gets the best of me. Oh gawrsh, and all those foil wrappers—would be a disaster out the other end! I know I shouldn’t eat it…but you know I’m not known for controlling myself when it comes to what is yummy in the moment!

those cleaners stink!

Even though I personally think “eau de doggie” smells great, I understand that humans like things “clean” and you seem to do more of it in the Spring. But sometimes the ingredients in those cleaners are really bad for me (and you). My super sensitive sniffer can REALLY smell those fragrances, especially things on the floors/carpets and air fresheners/sprays. I would love it if you would buy pet-friendly cleaners—I’ve heard vinegar works great for almost every surface, it’s cheap, and its smell dissipates quickly. Maybe you could try something new and see what you think?

pretty flowers

Sometimes those yellow and purple and pink flowers that pop up in the spring are just calling to be chewed on! But I read that they can actually make me very sick, or worse. Just a heads up.

just use poop!

Okay okay, so maybe I’m getting carried away telling you to use (composted) poop on your flowerbeds…because oh my gawrsh, you know I’d love to dig and roll in that! (Though for the record, the neighbor’s chickens say their poop is gold for their garden!) But my concern is that if you have to wear gloves and/or a mask to spray your flowers or even the grass and weeds, then I probably shouldn’t be allowed to walk on it for a while. Please be mindful to keep me off of freshly sprayed and fertilized lawns. And do a double-check to be sure all the lawn fertilizers and chemicals at home are put away and out of my curious nose’s reach. Thank you!!


Now We’re ready for Spring!

So what do you think? Will we be the best-prepared human-doggo duo this spring? I think so!! I bet there are more things you have already done or will do to help make my life happy and safe, too. You’re the best, and I hope you know that even though I never say it, I love you and appreciate you! (And now you can scritch behind my ears all you want…)

Our MISSION is to help pets live a long, healthy and happy life.

Our PASSION is to help owners become aware of what is in pet food and help them choose foods that are all natural and nutritionally complete, and to encourage them to be proactive about their pet’s health.

Please remember that us folks at End of the Leash are not veterinarians and no information on our website is intended to replace the indispensable and professional advice of your veterinarian.

A Natural Herbal Remedy to Help Your Stressed Dog Relax

Ground Valerian root, known for its sedative properties in both humans and animals.

Herbs have been part of the human apothecary for millennia. From whole fresh herbs, to dried powders, teas, tinctures and more, herbs can be utilized in a variety of ways and many have properties that are safe for both humans and animals. And as the domestication of animals into household pets has become commonplace, many of us with furry family members rely on the trusted efficacy of herbs as a natural and effective way to ease their discomforts and support robust health.

Consider herbal remedies for your dog’s anxiety.

As spring is now here in the midwestern U.S., that means more thunderstorms, which can be a trigger for anxiety in some dogs. Panting, hiding, whining, refusal to eat, aggression, escaping/running off—these are just a few symptoms of the panic and fear some dogs experience not only with storms, but possibly with fireworks, strangers, grooming and vet visits/traveling, or being home alone. Choosing the right herbs can safely and gently help take the edge off your dog’s stressful experience. Be aware that some herbal remedies might work better for your dog’s personality and specific needs than others, so it may take a little trial and error (but will be worth it!).

Treating the trigger ahead of time is priority.

Often the most effective way to ease your dog’s anxiety is a multi-layered approach. For the purposes of this article we won’t go into great detail; your approach will vary with the reason for the anxiety and its intensity (future blog topic!). However, treating the trigger ahead of time is priority! Don’t wait until they are in full-on panic mode if you can help it—most of us know first hand how that actually creates even more stress (for them AND us!).

Keep trusted remedies on hand.

Here at End of the Leash we carry a wide variety of treats and remedies specially formulated for pet anxiety. Their use is perfect for anticipating and pre-treating your dog’s anxiety triggers. Always keeping a few good products on hand that you know work for your dog is a great strategy!

One of our newest anxiety relief products for your dog is Heavenly Hounds Relaxation Squares that are made in the USA!

Here are a few of the things we love about Heavenly Hounds Relaxation Squares:

  • Made in the USA

  • No corn, soy, wheat or hemp

  • Flavored with real peanut butter

  • Fast-acting and long-lasting (lasts for 2-4 hours and can be used as needed)

  • Contains passion flower to uplift mood

  • Contains a combination of valerian root, niacin and thiamine to calm hyperactivity and reduce destructive behavior

  • Vet recommended for all size dogs

Heavenly Hounds recommends giving your dog the appropriate portion 30 minutes before the triggering event for best results.

Our knowledgeable staff can assist you in choosing the anxiety remedy that’s just right for your dog! We are here to help!

Our MISSION is to help pets live a long, healthy and happy life.

Our PASSION is to help owners become aware of what is in pet food and help them choose foods that are all natural and nutritionally complete, and to encourage them to be proactive about their pet’s health.

Please remember that us folks at End of the Leash are not veterinarians and no information on our website is intended to replace the indispensable and professional advice of your veterinarian.

Meet Summer Street--New Owner at End of the Leash

In case you missed our announcements via Facebook and email, please welcome our new owner, Summer!

To our Loyal and Valued customers,

Summer Street, new owner of End of the Leash, with Susie Bower Rodriguez.

Allow me to introduce myself, I’m Summer Street and I am the new owner of End of the Leash. Many of you know the origin story of End of the Leash but allow me to reflect on the history of this store.

In 2005, Susie Bower created an idea for a pet food store that focused on holistic companion pet care with firm roots in the nutritional aspect of health. This was a fairly revolutionary approach at the time, and Susie started out in a small location in Mukwonago.

That’s where our paths first crossed. I had just moved to Wisconsin from Illinois and was feeding my kids premium kibble and raw food. I accepted that moving to a more rural area (I live on the outskirts of Waterford and am surrounded by farmland) would limit my access to premium diets and that I would be back in the kitchen, making their food from tried-and-true holistic recipes.

Our first location from 2005-2014 at 214 S Rochester.

And then one fateful day I drove past this adorable building in downtown Mukwonago called End of the Leash. I immediately went back to see what it was all about. I met Susie and we had a long discussion about nutrition. I knew instantly we were kindred spirits, and I no longer was a slave to the kitchen to feed my furry family. From that moment on, I knew that anything I bought in Susie’s store was going to be the highest quality of food available in the market.

Over the years I watched as Susie educated the community on nutrition and her store grew and grew and grew! I was so happy for her success and that her mission was being realized. And I was proud to live in a community that embraced the reality that they could improve the health of their companion animals simply by improving their nutrition. Watching people discover the health benefits of quality foods for their pets was heartening to see.

During the 17 years of Susie’s rising success, I was working in the corporate world. In late 2022 the universe showed me that journey was complete. I had to decide what I really wanted to be when I grew up. This was simultaneously frightening and exhilarating. I was working at a street fair in Burlington for my husbands’ store, Musicology, and a couple came up to me asking where a pet boutique was. I realized Burlington did not have its own version of End of the Leash and immediately I thought of Susie.

I reached out to her and asked if she was interested in a joint venture or if she had ever considered selling End of the Leash. After several amazing meetings, a new future opened for both of us. For Susie, time to enjoy some quiet after 17 years of hard work developing a brand that is now a household name in our community. For myself, embarking on a dream come true. I had worked in pet supply retail in my youth, and I enjoyed those years more than anything else in my ‘professional’ career. My love affair with animals began from my first memories – and includes not only furry friends but insects (my house spiders and I have a deal), woodland critters, ocean life, and pretty much everything included in the Animal Kingdom.

My husband and I have horses, dogs, and cats, and I co-parent a flock of chickens with my dear friend and neighbor. For fun I like to embrace my inner-nerd and spend hours researching animal (from cats to horses) diets and food, supplements, holistic treatments, training, gear (saddles to hand-beaded dog collars) and love to talk endlessly to anyone who shares those interests. This is why Susie and I got along so well and why this passing of the baton feels very right for both of us.

My commitment to the founding mission of the End of the Leash will not change, and you can count on our same knowledgeable staff to deliver the customer service experience you are accustomed to when you shop at End of the Leash.

Our MISSION is to help pets live a long, healthy and happy life.

Our PASSION is to help owners become aware of what is in pet food and help them choose foods that are all natural and nutritionally complete, and to encourage them to be proactive about their pet’s health.

I am honored to continue the good work that Susie started 17 years ago, and will bring the same passion for all of our companion animals to the store that our loyal customers deserve and expect.

I look forward to serving you, and thank you for your business and continued support.

All my best,
Summer Street


this week’s Fish Fry-Day Deals!

THIS FRY-DAY, March 24th, Zignature Dog fish-flavored foods and Fussie Cat fish flavors will be on sale:

Fussie Cat:

  • $2 OFF 4lb bag fish flavors for cats

  • $4 OFF 10lb bag fish flavors for cats

Zignature Dog:

  • $2 off 4lb bag fish flavors for dogs

  • $4 off 12.5lb bag fish flavors for dogs

  • $6 off 25lb bag fish flavors for dogs

Your Friends at End of the Leash

Please remember that us folks at End of the Leash are not veterinarians and no information on our website is intended to replace the indispensable and professional advice of your veterinarian.

New for Your Dog--Unhide Alternative Chews

Just say NO to rawhide!

Unhide by Himalayan Pet Supply is an innovative natural cheese and antler chew that is long-lasting, all-natural, and easily digestible. With its excellent flavor, you will provide your dog with loads of chewing entertainment.

Unhide is proudly handcrafted in Washington State. As a natural alternative to rawhide chews, Unhide is free from lactose, grain, gluten, corn, and soy, and contains absolutely no artificial flavors, preservatives, or binding agents.

This limited ingredient recipe is great for dogs of all ages and sizes!

End of the Leash also carries other “no hide” alternatives! Stop in and ask one of our knowledgeable staff about our offerings.


Save big on S&C’s this Fish Fry-Day

Stop in during business hours on Friday, March 17th, and reel in a whopping 20% discount on ALL FISH FLAVORS from Stella & Chewy’s entire line!

That’s what we’re fryin’ up this Fish Fry-Day…don’t forget to check back every Friday in Lent to see what we have on sale!


March is National Pet Poison Prevention Month

March is designated as Pet Poison Prevention Awareness Month. Understanding what potential harmful poisons exist in your home and yard is the first step to keeping your pet safe. Some of them are very obvious and others might be new to you.

Here’s the Top Ten Pet Poison List for dogs and cats from the Pet Poison Helpline. Based on the Pet Poison Helpline call volume and extensive database, here are the top 10 most common toxins that Pet Poison Helpline gets called about. Now keep in mind that some of these listed are very toxic, while some are minimally toxic (like ant baits and silica packs).

When in doubt, call your vet or Pet Poison Helpline to make sure there won’t be a problem. Take special care to keep these toxins out of your pet’s reach and pet-proof your house!

Cat Poisons:

  • Topical spot-on insecticides

  • Household Cleaners

  • Antidepressants

  • Lilies

  • Insoluble Oxalate Plants (e.g., Dieffenbachia, Philodendron, etc…)

  • Human and Veterinary NSAIDs

  • Cold and Flu Medication (e.g., Tylenol)

  • Glow Sticks

  • ADD/ADHD Medications/Amphetamines

  • Mouse and Rat Poison

Dog Poisons:

  • Chocolate

  • Mouse and Rat Poisons (rodenticides)

  • Vitamins and Minerals (e.g., Vitamin D3, iron, etc…)

  • NSAIDs (e.g., ibuprofen, naproxen, etc…)

  • Cardiac Medications (e.g., calcium channel blockers, beta-blockers, etc…)

  • Cold and Allergy Medications (e.g., pseudoephedrine, phenylephrine, etc…)

  • Antidepressants (e.g., selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors)

  • Xylitol (common in toothpaste and chewing gum – read your labels to ensure your pet is safe!)

  • Acetaminophen (e.g., Tylenol)

  • Caffeine Pills

If you suspect your pet has ingested any of these items or any other questionable substance, call Pet Poison Helpline or your veterinarian for assistance. Accurate and timely identification of the suspected substance is very important. Having the container, package, or label in hand will save valuable time and may save the life of your pet.


Our End of the Leash Newsletter

The above article on National Pet Poison Prevention Month is also featured in our March Newsletter.

Subscribe to get our jam-packed publication at the beginning of each month, featuring our best-selling and new products, fun and helpful articles on the whole health of your pets, and ALL of our upcoming monthly sales…all in one place.

We promise no spam, and no sharing of any of your information, ever.

We love our newsletter, and we know you will appreciate it, too!

Thanks for stopping by our blog!
Your Friends at End of the Leash

Please remember that us folks at End of the Leash are not veterinarians and no information on our website is intended to replace the indispensable and professional advice of your veterinarian.

Extra Frozen Friday in March!

An extra Frozen Friday means Small Batch is on sale on that 5th Friday! Woohoo!

Plan ahead to stock up on your pet’s favorite frozen foods every Friday of the month. On the dates shown, we offer 20% off on the brands listed.

NOTICE TO CUSTOMERS PLACING PHONE OR ONLINE FROZEN FRIDAY ORDERS: Since we have limited freezer space, we ask that you pick up your order by the close of business on the following Monday. If you are unable to meet that deadline, please call us to make other arrangements.


More ways to save—Fish Fry-Days

Stop in every Friday during Lent to to see what fishy sale we are fryin’ up for Fish Fry-Day!

THIS FRY-DAY, March 10th, Essence Cat and Dog fish flavored foods will be on sale:

  • $2 off 4lb bag fish flavors for dogs

  • $4 off 12lb bag fish flavors for dogs

  • $6 off 25lb bag fish flavors for dogs

  • $2 OFF 4lb fish flavors for cats

  • $4 OFF 10lb fish flavors for cats

Swing by and grab a bag or two during our regular Friday store hours.


We love our Caturdays!

If you haven’t joined us for a Caturday yet, you’re in for a PURRfectly PAWsome time!

We hope to see you at our third 2023 Caturday—March 11th from noon-2pm.

HAWS will be here with what might be your purrfect new family member!

Don’t forget—10% of our cat product sales (toys, treats, food, etc…) from the entire day will be donated to HAWS! We gratefully do this each Caturday with whomever is our special visitor for the day.

We announce in our monthly newsletter what our special sale for each month’s Caturday will be. So be sure to sign up for our newsletter to be in-the-know on this and tons of other monthly sales.


Carolee here on Saturday, March 11

Carolee and Maggie.

Carolee will be here on Saturday, March 11th from 11am-1pm!

Hello, Pet Parents. As much as you love and care your animal companions, there may be times when you are stumped. You would love to ask your animal questions like:

Why are you acting so strangely?

Why won’t you use the litter box?

Why won’t you go potty outside all the time?

Why are you plucking all your feathers out?

Why don’t you get along with the other dog?

What can I do to make you happier?

Whatever the question, I guarantee your animal companion has answers for you. Make an appointment to ask them!

You can find the fascinating details on how animal communication works at Carolee’s website, pawprintstudio.us or her Facebook page.

The cost is $59 for a 20-minute session. Cash or check preferred. To schedule your appointment, please call us at 262-363-3338.


We love celebrating your pets’ birthdays!

We all enjoy putting our pets in the spotlight…and what better way to do that than wish them Happy Birthday online?

Email us your pet's picture and bio at waggingtails@wi.rr.com during their birth month or gotcha month and we will include them in our Birthday Spotlight on social media!

Tell us:

  • a little about your pet

  • their favorite things to do

  • what fun thing they are known for

  • a most embarrassing moment

  • any quirky traits you'd like to share!

Watch for them to be featured on our Instagram and Facebook and feel free to share with friends and family!

Please remember that us folks at End of the Leash are not veterinarians and no information on our website is intended to replace the indispensable and professional advice of your veterinarian.

Fish Fry-Days Are Back

Stop in every Friday during Lent to to see what fishy sale we are fryin’ up for Fish Fry-Day!

Starting THIS FRY-DAY, March 3rd, our first special is on fish flavors of Farmina N&D:

  • $4 off 5.5lb fish flavors for dogs

  • $8 off 15.4-26.4lb fish flavors for dogs

  • $3 off any size bag of fish flavors for cats

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to stock up on your pet’s favorite N&D fish flavors!


Caturday on March 11th

HAWS will be here for this month’s Caturday on March 11th from noon-2pm.

Remember that 10% of our cat product sales (toys, treats, food, etc…) from the entire day will be donated to HAWS! We gratefully do this each Caturday with whomever is our special visitor for the day.

We are absolutely loving celebrating the felines in our lives every month here at EOTL through our Caturday event. We enjoy helping adoptables find their forever homes and supporting these hard-working shelters.

Stop in and show your support, too! We hope to see you then!

We announce in our monthly newsletter what our special sale for each month’s Caturday will be. So be sure to sign up for our newsletter to be in-the-know on this and tons of other monthly sales.


Is March your pet’s birthday?

Email us your pet's picture and bio during their birth month or Gotcha month and we will include them in our Birthday Spotlight on social media!

  • Tell us a little about your pet, their favorite things to do, what fun thing they are known for, most embarrassing moment, or any quirky traits you'd like to share.

  • Watch for them to be featured on our Facebook page and feel free to share with friends and family!!

Email your pet's info to waggingtails@wi.rr.com.

Please remember that us folks at End of the Leash are not veterinarians and no information on our website is intended to replace the indispensable and professional advice of your veterinarian.

Wrapping Up February Sales

Through Tuesday, February 28th
in-store only

(All listed in our February newsletter!)

Bear & the Rat Frozen Yogurt:
$1 off

Bocce’s Bakery:
13oz Brushy Sticks — $3 off

Redwood Ranch — $6 off 12lb bag

Fromm for Dogs:
Pork & Applesauce or GF Rancherosa — $2 off 4-5lb bags and $3 off 12-26lb bags

Fromm for Cats:
GF Hassen Duckenpfeffer — $2 off 4lb bags and $3 off 10lb bags

Fromm Adult Gold:
$2 off 30lb bag

Fromm Heartland Adult Gold:
$2 off 26lb bag

Plato Thinkers Treats:
$2 off 10oz and $3 off 18oz

Steve’s Real Food:
Buy any Steve’s Frozen food and get 1 bag of Steve’s Fermented treats FREE

Super Snouts:
150 GM Turkey Tail — $5 off

Buy any size bag Original or Select Cuts, get a 4oz soft treats FREE


PRIMAL REP & 20% off Frozen

Stop in between noon-4pm on Friday, February 24th to ask all your questions about Primal’s high-quality lines of raw and freeze-dried dog and cat food and supplement formulas. Grab a few samples, too!

And don’t forget, all frozen Primal products (excluding Primal Bones) are 20% off for this week’s Frozen Friday!


We hope you’re keeping warm—stay safe!

Susie, Joe, & all the Staff at End of the Leash

Please remember that us folks at End of the Leash are not veterinarians and no information on our website is intended to replace the indispensable and professional advice of your veterinarian.

Have You Checked Out Frozen Fridays?

Every single Friday we offer a whopping 20% off select customer favorite brands of raw, frozen pet food!

You will always find these listed in our monthly newsletter, and we generally post it here on the blog and also on our Facebook page.

NOTICE TO CUSTOMERS PLACING PHONE OR ONLINE FROZEN FRIDAY ORDERS: Since we have limited freezer space, we ask that you pick up your order by the close of business on the following Monday. If you are unable to meet that deadline, please call us to make other arrangements.


Primal Rep here on Frozen Friday the 24th

Stop in between noon-4pm on Friday, February 24th to ask all your questions about Primal’s high-quality lines of raw and freeze-dried dog and cat food and supplement formulas. Grab a few samples, too!

And don’t forget, all frozen Primal products (excluding Primal Bones) are 20% off for that week’s Frozen Friday!

For a quick view of some of the Primal products we carry, take a peek at endoftheleash.com!


for the fromm fans

Don’t forget to take advantage of this month’s specials on Fromm!


Bored kitties?

We have solutions! Stop in and ask our knowledgeable staff about all our great boredom busters for your best feline friends. Here are just a few of the things we have to offer, and we’re sure your kitties will love you for them!

Thanks for stoppin’ by our blog!

Susie, Joe, & all the Staff at End of the Leash

Please remember that us folks at End of the Leash are not veterinarians and no information on our website is intended to replace the indispensable and professional advice of your veterinarian.

See You Caturday!

If you haven’t joined us for a Caturday yet, you’re in for a PURRfect PAWsome time!

We hope to see you at our second 2023 Caturday—February 11th from noon-2pm.

Lakeland will be here with what might be your purrfect new family member!

Don’t forget—10% of our cat product sales (toys, treats, food, etc…) from the entire day will be donated to Lakeland! We gratefully do this each Caturday with whomever is our special visitor for the day.

We announce in our monthly newsletter what our special sale for each month’s Caturday will be. So be sure to sign up for our newsletter to be in-the-know on this and tons of other monthly sales.


More on February 11th

Carolee and Aria.


Carolee will be here on Saturday, February 11th from 11am-1pm!

Hello, Pet Parents. As much as you love and care your animal companions, there may be times when you are stumped. You would love to ask your animal questions like:

Why are you acting so strangely?

Why won’t you use the litter box?

Why won’t you go potty outside all the time?

Why are you plucking all your feathers out?

Why don’t you get along with the other dog?

What can I do to make you happier?

Whatever the question, I guarantee your animal companion has answers for you. Make an appointment to ask them!

You can find the fascinating details on how animal communication works at Carolee’s website, pawprintstudio.us or her Facebook page.

The cost is $59 for a 20-minute session. Cash or check preferred. To schedule your appointment, please call us at 262-363-3338.


Sweet Abilities here with Valentine goodness

Sweet Abilities will be here on Saturday, February 11th from 10am-2pm.

If you pre-ordered you can pick it up that day, or choose from a small selection that will be for sale while they are here!


Speaking of Valentines…

We still have yummies for your furry friends in our Valentine Bakery. Supply is limited so be sure to stop in before we run out!



We LOVE our monthly newsletter. It really is the crème de la crème of all our correspondence to our customers! There you will find a complete look at the current month, so it’s an easy reference for everything EOTL.

This month we have an exclusive newsletter-only coupon for you! It’s for a customer favorite…so take a peek and take advantage of this special offer!

Click HERE to subscribe to our once monthly newsletter if you haven’t already. It’s FULL of sales, articles, updates on new and favorite products, and great information on our favorite brands of pet food, treats, supplements and toys!

Happy Valentines Day to you and the animals you love!

Susie, Joe, & all the Staff at End of the Leash

Please remember that us folks at End of the Leash are not veterinarians and no information on our website is intended to replace the indispensable and professional advice of your veterinarian.

Treats for Your Sweets

This year we have a variety of TREATS for ALL your sweets!

First, look at these LOVEly Valentine yummies for your favorite canine! Come grab some from our Valentine Bakery while the selection is good!

Exclusive newsletter-only Coupon

Second…Don’t forget we have a huge selection of non-holiday goodies you can gift to your furry best friends, too. In fact, you may want to take a peek at our February newsletter for an EXCLUSIVE coupon on a customer favorite!!

Click HERE to subscribe to our once monthly newsletter if you haven’t already. It’s FULL of sales, articles, updates on new and favorite products, and great information on our favorite brands of pet food, treats, supplements and toys!

Sweet Abilities Valentine Menu

Last but not least!! Sweet Abilities will be here on Saturday, February 11th from 10am-2pm. Click here to see their Valentine treats menu and get more info!

You can pre-order and pick up that day, or choose from a variety that will be for sale while they are here.

Made just for you by Sweet Abilities! Chocolate Covered Oreos, Milk Chocolate Cocoa Bombs, Heart-shaped Cake Pops, and Giant Gourmet Crispy Treats.


Vital essentials bogo!!

Instead of being part of Frozen Friday this month, Vital Essentials is having a Buy One, Get One Free from February 3rd-8th!!

There is NO LIMIT to how many bags you purchase, as long as we have it in stock! In-store purchases only.

Don’t miss out on this amazing deal—make some room in your freezer and stock up today!


Caturday, February 11th

If you haven’t joined us for a Caturday yet, you’re in for a PURRfect PAWsome time!

We hope to see you at our second 2023 Caturday—February 11th from noon-2pm.

Lakeland will be here with what might be your purrfect new family member!

Don’t forget—10% of our cat product sales (toys, treats, food, etc…) from the entire day will be donated to Lakeland! We gratefully do this each Caturday with whomever is our special visitor for the day.

We announce in our monthly newsletter what our special sale for each month’s Caturday will be. So be sure to sign up for our newsletter to be in-the-know on this and tons of other monthly sales.


February is National Pet Dental Health Month

Read all about it in our February newsletter—what it is, its history, how you can lovingly care for your pets’ teeth, and products to help you do so!

Two of our favorite safe and gentle products for pet dental health!


We appreciate you!

Susie, Joe, & all the Staff at End of the Leash

Please remember that us folks at End of the Leash are not veterinarians and no information on our website is intended to replace the indispensable and professional advice of your veterinarian.

New Products by Dr. Marty & A Pup Above!

End of the Leash is ALWAYS on the lookout for the best new foods and goodies for your pets!

We now carry Dr. Marty’s Nature’s Blend for dogs and Nature’s Feast for cats. Both are freeze-dried foods chock-full of nutritious meat proteins and fresh fruits and veggies that are species-appropriate. No fillers!

For supplemental treats, we have Dr. Marty’s Better Life Bites! They are made with whole food ingredients and we have formulas for digestion, heart health, and immune health.

Dr. Marty is known as the veterinarian who helps dogs and cats when nobody else can! Stop in and ask our knowledgeable staff about this excellent product line.


A Pup Above has gone above and beyond!

Our pets already love their Sous-Vide (gently cooked) deliciousness, and now they’ve done it again with Cubies!

Cubies is dried whole food! With their unique NUTRIDRY™ process, they preserve nutrients and flavor while providing the convenience of dry food. Their veggies are non-GMO and formulas include superherbs for joint, immunity and digestive support.


Boredom Busting during the winter doldrums

Have you tried puzzles for your pets? Puzzles are a great way to add excitement to those winter days when a long walk or much time outside isn’t possible.

In addition, coaxing out your pets’ intelligent problem-solving skills (of course, for a treat reward!!) is not only entertaining to watch, but good for their overall health and happiness! Intellectual stimulation is excellent enrichment for their lives.

We have a huge selection of puzzles—check out what we have by My Intelligent Pets!


Don’t Forget your Furry Valentine

Shop early for the best selection of Valentine Bakery!!

Thanks for stoppin’ by our blog!

Susie, Joe, & all the Staff at End of the Leash

Please remember that us folks at End of the Leash are not veterinarians and no information on our website is intended to replace the indispensable and professional advice of your veterinarian.

Important Announcement Regarding Born Free

Due to rising costs of packaging, ingredients and diminished sales, Born Free pet food is no longer going to be manufactured.

If you are a regular Born Free customer, please talk to a sales associate who can help you find a comparable food. We sincerely apologize for this inconvenience.

Please take advantage of the sale we are having through January 31st on Born Free’s Redwood Ranch! Take $6 off a 12lb bag! IN-STORE ONLY and in-stock items only.


Stock up on training treats this month!

Cloud Star Tricky Trainers are 10% off for National Train Your Dog Month!

  • No artificial colors or flavors. No wheat, dairy, or soy

  • Manufactured in the USA

  • Crunchy Texture in tiny bites OR Soft texture that won’t dry out or crumble

  • Only 2-3 kcals per treat! Ideal for dog of all life-stages!

Any size, any flavor—crunchy or chewy!—through January 31, 2023. In-store only.


Wanting to adopt a golden?

The Golden Retriever Rescue of Wisconsin (GRRoW) will be in our store on Saturday, January 21st from 11am-1pm. Stop in and get info about adoptables and learn more about the GRRoW organization!

Learn more about GRRoW on Facebook, Instagram or at grrow.org.


Thanks for stoppin’ by our blog!

Susie, Joe, & all the Staff at End of the Leash

Please remember that us folks at End of the Leash are not veterinarians and no information on our website is intended to replace the indispensable and professional advice of your veterinarian.

Join us this Caturday

If you haven’t joined us for a Caturday yet, you’re in for a PURRfect PAWsome time!

We hope to see you this weekend at our first 2023 Caturday—January 14th from noon-2pm.

HAWS will be here with what might be your purrfect new family member!

Don’t forget—10% of our cat product sales (toys, treats, food, etc…) from the entire day will be donated to HAWS! We gratefully do this each Caturday with whomever is our special visitor for the day.

We announce in our monthly newsletter what our special sale for each month’s Caturday will be. So be sure to sign up for our newsletter to be in-the-know on this and tons of other monthly sales.


GRROW HERE JAnuary 21st

The Golden Retriever Rescue of Wisconsin (GRRoW) will be in our store on Saturday, January 21st from 11am-1pm. Stop in and get info about adoptables and learn more about the GRRoW organization!

This is GRRoW’s Mission. Visit their website at grrow.org to learn more. You can also find them on Facebook and Instagram.


We encourage and promote responsible dog ownership, to reduce the abuse and neglect of all Golden Retrievers through rehabilitation and adoption.

We do everything in our power to assure humane treatment, accept, spay/neuter, rehabilitate Golden Retrievers by placing them in caring foster homes.

We strive to educate the public in responsible dog ownership, proper health and nutrition, spay/neutering, training, and good canine citizenship and discourage unwanted and careless breeding practices.

We promote humane care for all dogs.



Email us your pet's picture and bio during their birth month or Gotcha month and we will include them in our Birthday Spotlight on social media!

Tell us a little about your pet, their favorite things to do, what fun thing they are known for, most embarrassing moment, or any quirky traits you'd like to share!!

Watch for them to be featured on our Facebook page and feel free to share with friends and family!!

Email your pet's info to waggingtails@wi.rr.com.

Can’t wait to see you on Caturday!

Susie, Joe, & all the Staff at End of the Leash

Please remember that us folks at End of the Leash are not veterinarians and no information on our website is intended to replace the indispensable and professional advice of your veterinarian.

Christmas Display Items: 50% off

Stop in our store and peruse what’s left in our special Christmas displays.

We’re offering a whopping 50% off all items in these displays!


Born Free Important Announcement

Due to rising costs of packaging, ingredients and diminished sales, Born Free pet food is no longer going to be manufactured.

If you are a regular Born Free customer, please talk to a sales associate who can help you find a comparable food.

We sincerely apologize for this inconvenience.


Cloud Star Tricky Trainers are 10% off for National Train Your Dog Month! Any size, any flavor, through January 31, 2023.


10 Days ‘til our First Caturday of 2023!

Our 2022 Caturdays were PAWsome!! We’re so excited to continue our monthly celebration of the felines who enrich our lives!

We hope to see you at our first 2023 Caturday on January 14th from noon-2pm. HAWS will be here with what might be your purrfect new family member!

Don’t forget—10% of our cat product sales (toys, treats, food, etc…) from the entire day will be donated to HAWS! We gratefully do this each Caturday with whomever is our special visitor for the day.

We announce in our monthly newsletter what our special sale for each month’s Caturday will be. So be sure to sign up for our newsletter to be in-the-know on this and tons of other monthly sales.


Let’s celebrate your pet’s birthday or Gotcha Month!

Email us at waggingtails@wi.rr.com with your pet’s photo and tell us their favorite things to do, what fun thing they are known for, most embarrassing moment, or any quirky traits you'd like to share.

Watch for them to be featured on our Facebook page and feel free to share with friends and family!!

See you soon!

Susie, Joe, & all the Staff at End of the Leash

Please remember that us folks at End of the Leash are not veterinarians and no information on our website is intended to replace the indispensable and professional advice of your veterinarian.

Goodbye 2022--Hello, 2023!

As we bring this year to a close, we want to once again express our sincere appreciation for you—our loyal customers, our friends and family. It is your choice to support our small, local business that does indeed keep us up and running! We had a FABULOUS Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, and one of the best Midnight Magics in sales ever!! Thank you!!

Despite the challenges and changes of this year for End of the Leash, we have not wavered and stand firm in our goals to source high-quality products for you and your beloved animals. We are empowered by the good health of our own pets and the success stories we hear from our customers! This is what End of the Leash is all about—”Naturally the Best for Pets and Their People” as our logo tagline says!

If you haven’t peeked at Our Story—how Susie’s passion turned into what you see today at End of the Leash—check it out. Since those early days, it has been our consistent research and education that has supported the evolution of our offerings to you so that you always have the most up-to-date and premium choices for your animals.

Once again, THANK YOU for putting your trust in us. We are grateful and privileged to serve you!

We are looking forward to an abundant 2023 in all areas of our lives!
Susie, Joe, & all the Staff at End of the Leash

Please remember that us folks at End of the Leash are not veterinarians and no information on our website is intended to replace the indispensable and professional advice of your veterinarian.

Merry Christmas!

It appears that we won’t be pining for a white Christmas here in southeast Wisconsin…safest of travels for anyone out there on the roads in the coming days!!

Reminder of our holiday hours: CLOSED on Christmas Day and New Year’s Day.

End of the Leash wishes you and your family—furry, feathered, and human!—a magical, fun, cozy and SAFE Christmas!


For the Last-Minute Shoppers…

If you’re needing some last minute gifts before the snow flies for your favorite pet or pet-loving friend, we’ve got you covered.

If you hadn’t checked out our Pawliday Gift Guide, it’s a must to see our variety of toys, puzzles, treats, chews, beds, and holiday/winter clothing. Here’s just a tiny peek of the huge selection we have in stock!

And to keep your pup occupied during gift-opening or otherwise festive gatherings, stuff their stockings with CHEWS of all kinds! We have No-Hide Chicken Chews, Bully Sticks, antlers and more.


Donating to Local Shelters & Rescues

If you missed last week’s blog, Giving Back for the Animals, we shared a list of our favorite local rescues and shelters and links to their Facebook pages and Wish Lists!

Please consider helping the people who so generously give of their time to manage these organizations and find the animals loving, forever homes.

With gratitude for your support of local organizations and businesses! Merry Christmas!

Susie, Joe, & all the Staff at End of the Leash

Please remember that us folks at End of the Leash are not veterinarians and no information on our website is intended to replace the indispensable and professional advice of your veterinarian.

Giving Back for the Animals

Have you wanted to donate to a non-profit for animals this holiday season?

All year long you see various shelters and rescues mentioned here in the blog, on our social media pages and in our newsletter. In the spirit of giving back this holiday season, we have compiled a handy list of Wishlists for you for these organizations that are near and dear to End of the Leash!

Their wishlists contain basic supplies needed to run their facilities on a daily basis, as well as food, bedding, supplies, and toys for the animals—all of which are always needed and greatly appreciated. And if you want to go the extra mile—don’t forget their hard-working staff and volunteers.

We also included links to their Facebook pages so you can see up-to-the-minute news and needs for each.


Christmas Countdown—11 days!

You KNOW we love Christmas at EOTL! Stop in for the cutest holiday pet garb, fun puzzles and toys to keep your pets happy, cozywozy beds and blankets, delicious and nutritious treats, and high-quality foods. Not to mention unique gifts for the animal lovers in your life! (Click images to see full-size.)

Be sure to grab your bakery items ASAP—once they are gone, they’re gone!

With gratitude for your support of local organizations and businesses!

Susie, Joe, & all the Staff at End of the Leash

Please remember that us folks at End of the Leash are not veterinarians and no information on our website is intended to replace the indispensable and professional advice of your veterinarian.

© Copyright 2009-2023, End of the Leash, LLC.  All rights reserved.