End of the Leash

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Doing Our Part

Hello Friends,

Along with local pet groomers nationwide, EOTL has joined the efforts in helping with the clean up of the Deepwater Horizon Gulf oil spill.  Tomorrow we plan to send 100+ dogs’ worth of fur to Matter of Trust, an organization collecting and distributing donated fur and hair to make absorbent hair booms and mats used to help contain and clean up the oil spill.

This Tuesday, the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel featured our very own Kirsten Krause, Groomer, and Michele Tegen, Manager, in a related article.  Here’s a snippet, and for the full article please click here.

Kirsten grooms Misty, one of several dozen dogs groomed at EOTL whose hair will be donated to the oil spill clean-up efforts.Wisconsin dog-lovers grabbed the idea and ran with it. One West Bend groomer is credited with getting PETCO pet stores nationwide to join the furry oil-fight. According to Jennifer Modrow, manager of PETCO in West Bend: “It all started with my grooming manager, Danielle Soine, who had seen a news article about this and contacted me and said ‘I want to do this.’ I e-mailed the Wisconsin district stores, my district got involved, and it snowballed into all the stores nationally getting involved in the program.”

Dog fur has several properties that make it the perfect oil-slick fighter. The fur is made up of fibers that naturally absorb oil. And dogs manufacture it for free. Although human hair also works for the containment devices, dog fur works best because its oil-attracting fibers are easily collected in bulk. Once the fur is shipped to Matter of Trust, it’s machine woven into mats or stuffed into nylons to make “hair sausages” - ugly but reusable.

We are so fortunate to be able be a part of this important effort and are even more grateful for our loyal customers, who make things like this possible!

Your Friends at End of the Leash

Please remember that us folks at End of the Leash are not veterinarians, and no information on our website is intended to replace the indispensable and professional advice of your veterinarian.