End of the Leash

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Everyone is Irish on St. Patrick’s Day!

Here’s an Irish Blessing we wish for you and your family:

Stop in to treat your lucky four legged friend with a shamrock from our bakery case. Happy St. Paddy’s Day!A Wish for a Friend
Wishing you a rainbow
For sunlight after showers—
Miles and miles of Irish smiles
For golden happy hours—
Shamrocks at your doorway
For luck and laughter too,
And a host of friends that never ends
Each day your whole life through! 


The Dogs of 9-11, Semin-arf Series

The Dogs of 9-11 will showcase the canine heroes of this tragic event. 

Patti Muraczewski CPDT, owner of For Pet’s Sake Dog Training, will be our presenter for this fascinating topic.

Please join us at End of the Leash on Friday, March 25th at 5:30pm.  This is a free seminar—invite your friends and family to attend!

We also currently have the book Dog Heroes of September 11th, A Tribute to America’s Search and Rescue Dogs available for sale.


The Name Game!

We just realized our logo dog does not have a name—poor guy! (Or is it gal?)

Submit your idea(s) for a name on our Facebook page by Easter Sunday and win a prize!

We will choose our top ten favorites and then you get to decide the winner. We’ll post the top ten in the store and let you vote through the end of April. The winner will be announced on May 3rd.

Here are some facts about our logo dog:

Likes: long walks on the beach at sunset, rolling in fish guts, the song Don’t Stop Believin’ by Journey, sharing the pillow and everything from the treat room.

Dislikes: rainy days and Mondays, Michael Vick, fenced in yards and sad movies.

There is no limit to the number of times you can enter!


Preventing Dental Disease in Pets

 Excerpted from www.healthypets.mercola.com.  See below for article reference.

When it comes to your precious pet’s teeth and gums, the old Ben Franklin idiom, ‘An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure’ certainly applies.

Not only can you save your hard-earned money by preventing dental problems before they arise, you can also save your dog or cat from the discomfort of mouth pain.

And since periodontal (gum) disease can lead to much more serious health problems in both people and their companion animals, keeping your pet’s mouth in good shape is as important as a healthy diet and exercise.

Poor Dental Health in Pets is Epidemic

Estimates are almost 70 percent of cats and 80 percent of dogs three years of age and older have oral disease, typically involving the gums.

Small breed dogs are more prone to gum disease because they have a lot of teeth crowded into a small space, making cleaning more difficult. But the alarming statistics show poor dental hygiene is a problem affecting every breed, mixed breeds, and kitties as well.

Tooth extraction was at the top of the list of surgeries performed on cats and dogs in 2009, coming in as the number one reason for surgery on cats and the number three reason for dogs.

By the time your pet needs a tooth pulled, significant oral disease is present which may or may not be confined to her mouth.  …more

To see more and read this article in its entirety, please click here!


Help Your Dog Combat Environmental Irritants with Pure Essential Oils

Earth Heart, Inc. showcases Guard Well as a featured product in its line of award-winning natural remedy mists.

Winter and Spring seasons can be tough times for dogs. Environmental hazards like extreme cold, harsh road salts and drier air, increased exposure to bacteria and viruses, and seasonal allergies can all create havoc for a dog’s natural immunity. To help dogs effectively combat these environmental hazards and nurture a natural state of health, Earth Heart, Inc., is showcasing Guard Well as a featured product in its line of award-winning natural remedy mists.


Get out and enjoy the sunshine!

Your Friends at End of the Leash

Please remember that us folks at End of the Leash are not veterinarians, and no information on our website is intended to replace the indispensable and professional advice of your veterinarian.