End of the Leash

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Spend Your Weekend with Us!

It’s gonna be cold outside, so inside our Lounge is where you’ll want to be…with great people talking about great animals.

Wisconsin Wags is most likely going to mention the following two events on the television show Real Milwaukee aired on Fox6 Thursday, March 24th from 9-10am.

And by the way, both of these events are FREE


The Dogs of 9-11 —This Friday!

The Dogs of 9-11 will showcase the canine heroes of this tragic event. 

Patti Muraczewski CPDT, owner of For Pet’s Sake Dog Training, will be our presenter for this fascinating topic.

Please join us at End of the Leash on Friday, March 25th at 5:30pm.  This is a free seminar—invite your friends and family to attend!

We also currently have the book Dog Heroes of September 11th, A Tribute to America’s Search and Rescue Dogs available for sale.


VET? You bet! —This Saturday

Stop in to chat with veterinarian Dr. Steven Raabe on Saturday, March 26th at 1:30pm.

Dr. Raabe is certified in veterinary acupuncture, which is used to treat and prevent many conditions in our pets. He also offers other alternative medicines including Chinese herbs (TCVM) and homeopathic remedies.

Join us for this informal chance to ask Dr. Raabe any questions you may have regarding acupuncture, Chinese herbs, homeopathic remedies or any other questions you’ve always wanted to ask a full-service veterinarian.

This will be the first in our new monthly series featuring Dr. Raabe and Dr. Jaeger from Prairie Animal Hospital, S.C.


Two for Tuesday in April

For the month of April we are having a Two For Tuesday special! No foolin’!

Shop between the hours of 9am-3pm and receive TWO punches on your frequent buyer card instead of one for each $10 of any minimum $20.00 purchase.

Fill your card up twice as fast. Now you’ll just have to figure out how to spend that $30.00 when your punch card is full!


Organic Pet Superfood

We have Organic Pet Superfood—an incredible line of supplements—in stock and on our retail website. Choose between Digestion, Skin & Coat, Immunity and Joint.

Learn a little more about this awesome product with this excerpt from Organic Pet Superfood’s About page.  You can click here to read the whole story!


We activate your pet’s natural immune defenses to help them enjoy healthier, happier, more pain-free lives.

Using the most advanced research available, Organic Pet Superfood creates premium, organic, whole-food supplements that activate your pet’s immune system for naturally better health. Organic Pet Superfood is a safe daily health supplement that can also be used as a preventative and adjunctive therapy for issues common to pets, such as joint pain, skin irritation and digestive disorders.

Scientifically formulated mushroom concentrates are clinically proven to be safe, potent immuno-activators and form the superfood base of our products. In fact, mushrooms are so effective at activating the body’s natural healing powers that they are the number one adjunctive therapy for human and pet cancer treatment worldwide! Our IMMUNITY formula is a great daily supplement for all-around good health and can be used in combination with our JOINTS, SKIN + COAT or DIGESTION formula to target a specific issue*.

Our products are:

  • Made in the USA
  • Whole foods and full spectrum
  • USDA certified organic (and human grade)
  • Medicinal-mushroom based
  • Safe and non-toxic
  • Adaptogenic (gently adapts to your pet’s specific nutritional needs)
  • Concentrated for potency and economy
  • Veterinarian approved

*Because our formulas are adaptagenic, it is safe to use them in combination; however, we recommend using up to two formulas at a time for best results.  


Because pets are family!

Why go to all the trouble of making an organic, human-grade product for pets? Because, like you, our pets are beloved members of the family. Organic Pet Superfood was founded by two brothers who are passionate about pets and nutrition. These passions compel us to be as careful about what we put in our pets’ bowls as what we put in our own mouths. …more


Hope you can stop in this weekend!

Your Friends at End of the Leash

Please remember that us folks at End of the Leash are not veterinarians, and no information on our website is intended to replace the indispensable and professional advice of your veterinarian.