End of the Leash

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Itchy-Itchy Scratchy-Scratchy

It’s the time of year most of us can hardly wait for, but unfortunately with  Spring comes allergy season.

Has your dog started to exhibit any of the following: itchy skin, hot spots, watery eyes, gunky ears, skin irritation, shedding, hair loss and/or sneezing?

The following is an excerpt from the Herbsmith website:

An allergy is a hypersensitivity reaction to food, inhalant, or contact. The body’s defenses are signaled into an overreaction to a particular substance. This hypersensitivity often causes extreme heat in the animal, seen as reddened skin, hot weepy lesions, panting, restlessness and skin that may be hot to the touch. Herbsmith Clear AllerQi ® has Chinese herbs that cool heat and harmonize the body’s defenses to help support normal skin functions.

We carry many different products to help your pet make a smooth transition during this time including:

In addition to these products switching your dog to a “cooling” food is a good idea. Try a food with cooling proteins such as duck & rabbit. We have a great selection and can assist you in finding one your dog will love.


Final Week to Play the Name Game!



Our logo dog doesn’t have a name—poor guy! (Or is it gal?)

Submit your idea(s) for a name on our Facebook page by Easter Sunday and win a prize!

We will choose our top ten favorites and then you get to decide the winner. We’ll post the top ten in the store and let you vote through the end of April. The winner will be announced on May 3rd.

Here are some facts about our logo dog:

Likes: long walks on the beach at sunset, rolling in fish guts, the song Don’t Stop Believin’ by Journey, sharing the pillow and everything from the treat room.

Dislikes: rainy days and Mondays, Michael Vick, fenced in yards and sad movies.

There is no limit to the number of times you can enter!


Closed Easter Sunday, April 24th

End of the Leash will be closed on Easter Sunday. We resume our regular store hours Monday, April 25th at 9am.

Stop in the Saturday before (April 23rd) to pick up some treats to fill your four legged friend’s basket!

Our wish is that you and your family have a wonderful holiday.


Happy Easter!

Your Friends at End of the Leash

Please remember that us folks at End of the Leash are not veterinarians, and no information on our website is intended to replace the indispensable and professional advice of your veterinarian.