End of the Leash

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You Lucky Dog!

Sure to Bring You Luck

Everyone is Irish for St. Patrick’s Day, and that includes your pooch! We have some unique collars by Yellow Dog for your lucky dog to celebrate this time of year. (Click on the collars to see a larger version.)

These high quality collars are washable, made in the USA and will last for many lucky years to come.

Celtic CrossesLucky Dog Shamrocks





Be sure to add a Shamrock and some Minty Bones from our bakery case and your furry friend will see you as the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow!



The Big BANG!

Click the image to see The Big Bang flyer!

The Big BANG! is a seminar taught by Claudeen E. McAuliffe, Ph.D., M.Ed., CAP-2, CDBC Manager, Behavior Department Humane Animal Welfare Society (HAWS) of Waukesha. Dr. McAuliffe is also the author of the book entitled The Big Bang! which we carry here at EOTL.

Are thunderstorms and fireworks sending your dog into a panic?

Find out how noise fears and phobias develop, and learn several methods and techniques which may be helpful for calming dogs who over-react to noise events.

Call the store to register at 262-363-3338. All proceeds from the $10.00 seminar fee will benefit the animals & programs at HAWS.


Local Dog Saves Owner in House Fire

We smelled smoke on Monday, February 27th and heard the sirens of fire trucks and learned that a terrible fire completely destroyed the local home of the Chatterton family.

The next evening a regular customer came in to purchase cat treats and also bought a bag of dog treats. When we asked about the dog treats she explained she purchased them as a gift for her neighbor’s dog because they lost everything in a fire.

We asked our representative from Earthborn Holistic if there was anything they could do to help this family out. They immediately offered to donate 4 months worth of food—so we contacted the Chattertons to let them know. (Thank you Earthborn Holistic!)

The family came in on Friday and we learned that their dog – Chase – saved his mom’s life!

As Chase forced his mom to go out the back door she turned to see a large, flaming object fall through the ceiling that would have fell on them if they would have gone out the front door. Click here to read the whole story in the Mukwonago Chief.

We gave Chase a flower essence from the Pet Essences line to help him with the changes and grief he is enduring. We’ve heard the essence is helping already!

There is information at the store on donation sites set up in the city and we are also happy to take any donations for Chase and their family here. Be sure to check out our Facebook page for more information and to read the comments from the Chatterton family. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers.


Hang onto your hats today!

Your Friends at End of the Leash

Please remember that us folks at End of the Leash are not veterinarians, and no information on our website is intended to replace the indispensable and professional advice of your veterinarian.