End of the Leash

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The Incredible, Edible Egg

What better time to talk about EGGS than Easter time?

Eggs tend to get a bad rap for us and our dogs, but this eggs-elent article from Dogs Naturally Magazine teaches us the opposite.

The health of the hen is also important, so it is best to choose eggs from organic, free-range chickens. Be sure to purchase your eggs from a local farm or perhaps consider raising your own chickens and enjoy!

Feeding your Dog Raw Eggs—Good or Bad? (click here for the full article)

There are a lot of myths and misconceptions about raw feeding and it seems the poor egg is often dragged through the mud as a dangerous food for dogs. Opponents of eggs claim that they are too high in cholesterol, they pose a risk of salmonella and that they cause a biotin deficiency. To that, we say nonsense! Eggs are not only a cheap and safe source of raw food for your dog, they are one of the most complete and nutritious meals you can choose!

(…read more!)

Adoptable Dogs & Cats

Lakeland Animal Shelter will be here this Friday, April 6th with adoptable dogs and cats.

Be sure to stop in between 11-3pm to meet these wonderful animals looking for homes.

Spring is a great time to adopt a new friend!



Photo Party CDs are Here!

Thank you to Lori from Vision Photography and everyone that participated in the Photo Party last weekend. It was paws-itively a great success and you can see from the photos that there were a lot of happy, smiling canines and humans!

If you had your photo taken you can stop in anytime to pick up your CD.

We will be scheduling another date in the near future so stay tuned to our blog and Facebook page for the de-TAILS.



HOPpy Easter!

We will be closed for the Easter Holiday on Sunday, April 8th.

Our regular store hours resume Monday at 9am.


We wish you all a wonderful Easter holiday and spring break!

Your Friends at End of the Leash

Please remember that us folks at End of the Leash are not veterinarians, and no information on our website is intended to replace the indispensable and professional advice of your veterinarian.