End of the Leash

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Special Announcement: Tune in to WISN Radio!

Breaking news!

Our very own Susie Bower will be a guest on the radio show “Pet Talk” with Dr. Jodie Gruenstern of Animal Doctor Holistic Veterinary Complex in Muskego, WI! 

Tune in to 1130 WISN radio tomorrow, Saturday August 25, at 4pm to hear Dr. Jodie discuss the importance and health benefits of feeding raw!  Along with Susie, Marie and Doug of Stella & Chewy’s will be guest speakers on the show!

Listen on your radio or you can also hook up to the live stream at iHeart Radio.  If you miss the live show, visit Animal Doctor’s website at animaldoctormuskego.com.  The most recent version of “Pet Talk” will be available in the left bar of their home page!  


Hope you can tune in tomorrow!

Your Friends at End of the Leash

Please remember that us folks at End of the Leash are not veterinarians and no information on our website is intended to replace the indispensable and professional advice of your veterinarian.