End of the Leash

natural, healthy, and thoughtfully-sourced pet foods, treats, and supplies


Merry Christmas!

It appears that we won’t be pining for a white Christmas here in southeast Wisconsin…safest of travels for anyone out there on the roads in the coming days!!

Reminder of our holiday hours: CLOSED on Christmas Day and New Year’s Day.

End of the Leash wishes you and your family—furry, feathered, and human!—a magical, fun, cozy and SAFE Christmas!


For the Last-Minute Shoppers…

If you’re needing some last minute gifts before the snow flies for your favorite pet or pet-loving friend, we’ve got you covered.

If you hadn’t checked out our Pawliday Gift Guide, it’s a must to see our variety of toys, puzzles, treats, chews, beds, and holiday/winter clothing. Here’s just a tiny peek of the huge selection we have in stock!

And to keep your pup occupied during gift-opening or otherwise festive gatherings, stuff their stockings with CHEWS of all kinds! We have No-Hide Chicken Chews, Bully Sticks, antlers and more.


Donating to Local Shelters & Rescues

If you missed last week’s blog, Giving Back for the Animals, we shared a list of our favorite local rescues and shelters and links to their Facebook pages and Wish Lists!

Please consider helping the people who so generously give of their time to manage these organizations and find the animals loving, forever homes.

With gratitude for your support of local organizations and businesses! Merry Christmas!

Susie, Joe, & all the Staff at End of the Leash

Please remember that us folks at End of the Leash are not veterinarians and no information on our website is intended to replace the indispensable and professional advice of your veterinarian.

© Copyright 2009-2023, End of the Leash, LLC.  All rights reserved.