End of the Leash

natural, healthy, and thoughtfully-sourced pet foods, treats, and supplies


Wrapping Up February Sales

Through Tuesday, February 28th
in-store only

(All listed in our February newsletter!)

Bear & the Rat Frozen Yogurt:
$1 off

Bocce’s Bakery:
13oz Brushy Sticks — $3 off

Redwood Ranch — $6 off 12lb bag

Fromm for Dogs:
Pork & Applesauce or GF Rancherosa — $2 off 4-5lb bags and $3 off 12-26lb bags

Fromm for Cats:
GF Hassen Duckenpfeffer — $2 off 4lb bags and $3 off 10lb bags

Fromm Adult Gold:
$2 off 30lb bag

Fromm Heartland Adult Gold:
$2 off 26lb bag

Plato Thinkers Treats:
$2 off 10oz and $3 off 18oz

Steve’s Real Food:
Buy any Steve’s Frozen food and get 1 bag of Steve’s Fermented treats FREE

Super Snouts:
150 GM Turkey Tail — $5 off

Buy any size bag Original or Select Cuts, get a 4oz soft treats FREE


PRIMAL REP & 20% off Frozen

Stop in between noon-4pm on Friday, February 24th to ask all your questions about Primal’s high-quality lines of raw and freeze-dried dog and cat food and supplement formulas. Grab a few samples, too!

And don’t forget, all frozen Primal products (excluding Primal Bones) are 20% off for this week’s Frozen Friday!


We hope you’re keeping warm—stay safe!

Susie, Joe, & all the Staff at End of the Leash

Please remember that us folks at End of the Leash are not veterinarians and no information on our website is intended to replace the indispensable and professional advice of your veterinarian.

© Copyright 2009-2023, End of the Leash, LLC.  All rights reserved.