End of the Leash

natural, healthy, and thoughtfully-sourced pet foods, treats, and supplies


Filtering by Category: Grooming

A Dog's Spring Checklist

Roh-kay, human friend! Now that Spring is here, I thought it would be helpful to share this list I typed up (hunt and peck works great with claws!). You’re always saying how you want to be more organized and on top of things—so, enter your best 4-legged friend to the rescue. I got your back!

Let’s ease into exercise

Let’s face it, winter slowed us down. I know, I know, I have Spring Fever and am itching to take off at a full gallop, but I give you permission to pace our walkies so I don’t overdo it! Don’t worry, I’ll still be happily tired and quite satisfied!

Give me a good brushin’

A nice, gentle grooming would feel SO good. Let’s loosen up and get rid of all that old winter fur coat and dry skin underneath. Outside on the porch would be awesome to get a little sunshine! And I suppose I can let you clip my nails while you’re at it…

bugger protection

Get thee to our local pet supply store ASAP for the best natural flea and tick prevention! Herbal flea collars, fur sprays, herbal “spot on” treatments and internal supplements all work great together to keep those annoying things off me. You could even ask the employees what other new and exciting preventative stuff they might have. OH and also, feeding me a species-appropriate diet will keep my skin healthy, which makes it less appealing to those buggers, too!


I’m sure you’ve noticed all the pollens sometimes cause me to paw at my eyes, sneeze and even sometimes over-lick my paws. Definitely check our supply of special doggy seasonal allergy support when you get a moment. Maybe this year we could try a homeopathic remedy?

I see a hole in the fence…

We should probably do a quick walk around the yard and make sure the fence is secure after the long winter. No need to tempt me to chase that crazy squirrel into the neighbor’s yard! (Wow, listen to me being all responsible!)

Easter candy

You might want to remind Dad that I could easily steal the extra Easter candy off the bowl on the counter. Of course we know from past experience the horrible outcome when my curiosity gets the best of me. Oh gawrsh, and all those foil wrappers—would be a disaster out the other end! I know I shouldn’t eat it…but you know I’m not known for controlling myself when it comes to what is yummy in the moment!

those cleaners stink!

Even though I personally think “eau de doggie” smells great, I understand that humans like things “clean” and you seem to do more of it in the Spring. But sometimes the ingredients in those cleaners are really bad for me (and you). My super sensitive sniffer can REALLY smell those fragrances, especially things on the floors/carpets and air fresheners/sprays. I would love it if you would buy pet-friendly cleaners—I’ve heard vinegar works great for almost every surface, it’s cheap, and its smell dissipates quickly. Maybe you could try something new and see what you think?

pretty flowers

Sometimes those yellow and purple and pink flowers that pop up in the spring are just calling to be chewed on! But I read that they can actually make me very sick, or worse. Just a heads up.

just use poop!

Okay okay, so maybe I’m getting carried away telling you to use (composted) poop on your flowerbeds…because oh my gawrsh, you know I’d love to dig and roll in that! (Though for the record, the neighbor’s chickens say their poop is gold for their garden!) But my concern is that if you have to wear gloves and/or a mask to spray your flowers or even the grass and weeds, then I probably shouldn’t be allowed to walk on it for a while. Please be mindful to keep me off of freshly sprayed and fertilized lawns. And do a double-check to be sure all the lawn fertilizers and chemicals at home are put away and out of my curious nose’s reach. Thank you!!


Now We’re ready for Spring!

So what do you think? Will we be the best-prepared human-doggo duo this spring? I think so!! I bet there are more things you have already done or will do to help make my life happy and safe, too. You’re the best, and I hope you know that even though I never say it, I love you and appreciate you! (And now you can scritch behind my ears all you want…)

Our MISSION is to help pets live a long, healthy and happy life.

Our PASSION is to help owners become aware of what is in pet food and help them choose foods that are all natural and nutritionally complete, and to encourage them to be proactive about their pet’s health.

Please remember that us folks at End of the Leash are not veterinarians and no information on our website is intended to replace the indispensable and professional advice of your veterinarian.

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